Global Innovative Health Industries Alliance



GSCF is pleased to be a founding member of the Global Innovative Industries Alliance.

Who we are
The Global Innovative Health Industries Alliance is a collaborative platform for international associations representing biopharmaceuticals, biotech, diagnostics, medical devices, and diagnostic imaging industries to foster dialogue & collaboration for innovation.

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the response to COVID-19 crisis underlines the critical role of the private sector in a shared societal agenda and emphasizes the importance of collaboration across countries, actors, and sectors for a wider array of outcomes — health and wellbeing prime among them.
Innovative health industries such as biopharmaceuticals, biotech, diagnostics, medical devices, diagnostic imaging and data and digital medical industries have a fundamental role to play in driving innovation and in contributing to the diverse treatment and prevention ecosystem of which they are part by working alongside public and private providers, health professionals, hospitals and clinics, laboratory services, and health insurers.

Our objectives
The Alliance convenes innovative health industries to foster dialogue and collaboration for innovation and access by:

  • Establishing a platform for the exchange of information of mutual interest
  • Advocating the value of innovation through a supportive and sustainable ecosystem for the innovative health industries, regulatory systems, scientific research, and business ethics
  • Promoting a holistic approach to access and affordability
  • Responding to health emergencies and supporting global health security
  • Promoting patient safety and ethical conduct involving healthcare professionals

Founding members



Our positions
WHO EB 148 Now
gscf Download Now
WHO 73rd World Health
Assembly Now
UNGA Resolution on the
COVID-19 Pandemic Now